Location : Privates
Time/Length : am/2.0
Rating : ***
Performance : **
Board : 84 al
Notes : Down to SZ cause Linda was onshore overcast mess. Swell not big enough for Capitola so I looked at the Hook and 38th. Both had waves but also alot of people. Tide was going low so I went to Privates. Score. Working with only two people out. However both were Jabroni longboarders talking about cars and sports and bullshit. 4 women came in and the jabrones kept taking, taking, taking. One woman almost had words with them – but she refrained and paddled over to me saying “why bother”. Soon however the two jabrones got out and two more woman came in. Then two woman paddle boarders came over from sharks. In all the lineup was about 7- 8 woman and myself. We actually laughed about it quite a bit. Funny thing is the vibe was share share share plus encouragement. Great sesh. I fucking hate men.
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