Location : LMA
Time/Length : am/1.15
Rating : ***
Performance : **
Board : 95
Notes : cloudy and clean – almost glassy. no smoke. the Left was working and the right in front of the pump house. I settled on the right. a slow start – but conditions kept getting better. . the right was pretty vacant except for some shortboarders – (including the one Ph who is really great) He could take off late and race down the line with super speed – gave him deference and a wide berth. I locked into some rights that were very nice3 and managed some mid ride with stance into goofy foot- actually managed to surf a good section of the wave goofy. its like dribbling or playing tennis with your left hand – so awkward at first and lacking in strength – but ultimately beneficial. I think my Fall 2020 Covid/Election SlowPocalyspse Surf goal is to surf decent as a Goofy-Footer…
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