Location : LMB
Time/Length : am/1.15
Rating :***
Performance : **
Board : 95
Notes : my god it was crowded – like 11 am on July 4. real rough on the north end. stayed near the creek – but couldn’t get nothing. finally got a RIGHT that was steep and okay. then I paddled over to the dox and the crowd – waited and waited and managed an okay left. when I got out found out a kid had drowned on the north end – cop cars everywhere and patrols- apparently his leash broke and he got swept up and couldn’t get out. they finally got him and tried CPR on the beach  – but it was to late. everyone was just somber and shocked in both parking lots. – so harsh and jarring. the kids board was in the back of a California water patrol pick up truck – the weathered black leash snapped at the ball bearing joint …
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