Location : LMTB
Time/Length : am/1.15
Rating : ***+
Performance : ***
Board : 94
Notes : Strong offshore. Didn’t know where to go. I would look for a while at the creek and see “Wow perfect offshore open faced nugget staying open.” Then it would be close out after closeout. Then I would see at Pandas “Wow perfect offshore open faced nugget staying open.”. Then Pandas would close out  after close out for the next 10 minutes. NO PATTERN – NO PEAK. I paddled in and settled on Taco Bell – Rights were coming in – fierce wind blown faces staying open. And just me. No one else. Everyone else by the Creek. I had a window of about a half hour where I caught nugget after nugget. Folks migrated to where I was. Then – SHUT DOWN. Nothing. Paddled over to the Creek to catch a final wave and that was that…
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