Location : LM
Time : AM
Length : 1.15
Rating : ***+
PERF : ***
Board : 92
Notes : Looked like nothing but on closer inspection saw a pod of folk down on the north end – near volleyballs. They were crumbly knee to shoulder waves. if you got in early enough you could race around them. some outside sets came as well -they had a little juice -mostly the right. if you positioned yourself right you could take off at the crumble-race around the lipping whitewater and hit a nice corner section. Classic “surfed better than it looks” day at linda mar. Plus I surfed better than I have in a while – i made and milked waves better than I have all summer… 28 waves in an hour-some kind of record for me- wave then paddle back out then wave then paddle back out – almost no lull
Stats/Video :http://surf.traceup.com/stats/u?uId=519895&vId=5545


Location : LM
Time : AM
Length : 2.5
Rating : ***+
PERF : ***
Board : 92
Notes : Clean and partly cloudy. Some girth and power. Breaking favorably from the north end to boatdox. The North had some size with overhead faces that i saw(unless the riders were midgets) I stuck to the creek. Paddled into an outside bomb that turned into little more than a drop and right turn up the face before i realized it was about to close out detonate on me. I somehow managed to stay on – which surprised me. After the whitewall it kind of reformed into a nice rideable whitewash right
Stats/Video : http://surf.traceup.com/stats/u?uId=519895&vId=5446


Location : LM
Time : AM
Length : 1.15
Rating : ***
PERF : **
Board : 92
Notes : Action was in front of taco bell. clean little wedges – sunny and windless. It was dolphin crazed madness in the water. At one point we counted NINE in and amongst the surfers – fins popping up everywhere. adults – teens and wee ones. Also they were coming up FACE FIRST and looking like they were auditioning for “FLIPPER” the movie. Everyone was buzzin. After 40 minutes they got bored with us and went down towards crespi. quite the show.
Stats/Video : http://surf.traceup.com/stats/u?uId=519895&vId=5297


Location : LM
Time : AM
Length : 1
Rating : **
PERF : *
Board : 92
Notes : Looked better than it surfed. Clean but shifty and weak/pudgy waves. Couldn’t really connect.
Stats/Video : http://surf.traceup.com/stats/u?uId=519895&vId=5250