Location : LMB
Time/Length : AM/1.15
Rating : ***
Performance : ***
Board : 94 AL
Notes : Pretty nice at the ole boat dox. that night saw kozzleck/jesu at game. pretty brave performance. entrance music was MK reciting a weird spacey dream about being in farrah faucets house then walking down to the ocean. The the band came out and he started out with a 25 minute song/rap / monologue that was about as fresh as fresh can be -like an ongoing tour poem of his thoughts and reactions to the world and those he loves. it touched on everything – from touring to the election. At one p[oint i though – shit- he is basically just going to sing talk improv one long piece. But then it ended and he said welcome to the show. it was a brave performance – he went out on the line- if you were a musical dr frankenstein you would have to put lenny bruce, watertown era sinatra, and rollins black flag era rage into a blender- pretty rad- i never thought i would ever say a performer was “brave” but that was it-MK was on the ledge – brave
Stats/Video : http://surf.traceup.com/stats/u?uId=519895&vId=51912