Location : LMB
Time/Length : am/1.15
Rating : **
Performance : *
Board : 95 Magic Dove
Notes : 630 arrival in the Norcal lot. F was coming out and said it was good – already 3 people in the water including K – who I hadn’t seen in a while. It was clear and windless. low tide – crumbly soft jumbled up fish mosh. there were sections – but surfing poorly and couldn’t connect. had one nice left that stood up for a fair bit – but had to abort for someone paddling out. M and B then came in the lineup. I got out and as I re entered the lot imagined Pacifica snipers on the top of soul grind roof – armored police half tracks with a guy in a bullhorn saying – throw down your board and we will not shoot – then be netted in my wet suit and taken to surfer jail. it was fine – no patrol- de suited and out in a flash. the crackdown will be brutal this weekend – picnickers from sac will be ticketed- they have already closed all residential roads in advance of the weekend onslaught. will be interesting to see how it goes. will wait until dawn on Tuesday for the next venture forth. it does seem like from the press release they are implying enforcement is especially tight on weekends and during prime beach hours so we will see…

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