Location : LMTB
Time/Length : am/2.0
Rating : *+
Performance : **
Board : 95
Notes : Flattened out. But relatively glassy with some minor surface chop. Looked promising in the first light – but actually the South end was mostly just closing out.  I hunted and I pecked – from the creek to the Taco Bell as the line up filled in with soft top warriors. I managed to score some here and there glass lines – zippy little knee high  things that had a bit of a face to race down. I also managed a full spin into goofy and then held the line for a spell surfing goofy foot. Later T said he A and M had a blast on the North end. I need to go there more it’s just I chicken out every time. Surfers talk about surfing “waves of consequence.” More often than not My motto is “Surfing Waves Of Utterly Little To No Consequence.”
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